- 2025
Programming an Elgato Streamdeck with Java - Part 2
Programming an Elgato Streamdeck with Java - Part 1
Shorts: Rolling up s3 logs using Bun
Shorts: Converting & compressing a CSV file
- 2024
Tracking my meeting time with Hammerspoon
Node process permissions: An introduction
- 2023
Indexing german Wikipedia articles for fun and vector search
Goodbye DevRel… (for now)
A year of solar & power monitoring using Jupyter and DuckDB
Create a custom Tailwind CSS build with Gradle in your Java project (2023 edition)
The ultimate workshop-as-code approach
Using Hammerspoon to enable lighting for meetings
Mirror, mirror, what am I typing next? All about search suggestions
- 2022
The new generation of data stores
My interview questions for developer advocates
Using Terraform with Elastic Cloud
Using Spring Boot with Elastic App Search
ElasticCC platform - Part 3 - Upgrading on k8s without downtime
ElasticCC platform - Part 2 - Using the new Elasticsearch Java Client
ElasticCC platform - Part 1 - Application structure
Running Elasticsearch 8.0 with Testcontainers
- 2021
Using Elasticsearch Transforms For Product Recommendations
GitHub Actions: Updating a GitHub wiki after an edit
Understanding the Elasticsearch Percolate Query
Monitoring Certificate Transparency Logs Using the Elastic Stack
Using German Highway API Data with Kibana Maps
Using Testcontainers To Test Elasticsearch Plugins
Indexing Data From Unix Domain Sockets Into The Elastic Stack
Writing a plugin for the Elastic APM Java Agent
Do Cross The Streams - Elasticsearch Data Streams Explained
Implementing phonetic search with Elasticsearch
Awesome Visualizations with Kibana & Vega
Using Filebeat To Ingest DigitalOcean App Platform Logs
Understanding Elasticsearch combined fields and multi match queries
Visualizing German Vaccination Data Using Kibana Lens & TSVB
Understanding Elasticsearch Persistent Tasks
Using the common grams filter for faster queries
Search hierarchies using the path hierarchy tokenizer
Create a custom Tailwind CSS build with Gradle in your Java project
- 2020
Running a Serverless Lucene Reverse Geocoder
On feedback - my personal primer to improve feedback
Using the built-in Java HTTP client to query Elasticsearch
Using Hammerspoon to enable DnD when screen sharing via Zoom
Handling JDK & GC options dynamically in Elasticsearch
Using seccomp - Making your applications more secure
Search engines & libraries: an overview
Introduction into Spring Data Elasticsearch
Implementing a modern E-Commerce Search
Implementing a Linkedin like search as you type with Elasticsearch
Testing and Releasing Elasticsearch & the Elastic Stack
Introduction into the Elasticsearch Java Rest Client
Elasticsearch - Securing a search engine while maintaining usability
- 2019
Creating a productive terminal environment
- 2018
Running Crystal apps in AWS Lambda
Five years of home office - a recap
Location Tracking with Owntracks, Serverless, Kotlin & the Elastic Stack
- 2016
Creating a productive osx environment - Hammerspoon
Using claudia.js and recaptcha to send emails with AWS Lambda
Using claudia.js to send emails using AWS Lambda
Using webtasks to send emails with harp
- 2015
Creating a productive osx environment
Deploy harp apps using git hooks
Producing technical documentation - an overview
- 2014
Walking the Dingle Way
Wales coastal path - Gwynedd
Wales coastal path - Pembrokeshire
Getting started (again)
- 2013
Spark, groovy & JRebel - a productive combination