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Alexander Reelsen

Backend developer, productivity fan, likes the JVM, full text search, distributed databases & systems

Introduction into Spring Data Elasticsearch
Aug 6, 2020
23 minutes read

TLDR; This blog post takes a look at Spring Data Elasticsearch, and how to use and test it in your application - from a heavy Elasticsearch user. I recently wrote an internal application using Spring Boot and Spring Data Elasticsearch and will share my experiences in this post. Disclaimer: I am not a heavy Spring Framework user and admittedly it is not my favorite way of building web applications: but as with any technology, you actually should be building something in order to form an opinion yourself. Consider this blog post a side effect :-)

Spring Data Elasticsearch uses the Elasticsearch REST client underneath. I also wrote a blog post about that client, which you can read here.

This is the accompanying blog post for this presentation. You can find the code samples in my GitHub Repo. I’m more than happy to talk about this at your local user group as well.


Just to give some context, this is the description of Spring Data

Spring Data’s mission is to provide a familiar and consistent, Spring-based programming model for data access while still retaining the special traits of the underlying data store.

I think this is a great description. While trying to retain a common access model for many data stores, Spring Data still tries to expose specific data store features. This also applies to the Elasticsearch extension.

The Spring Data Elasticsearch extension is a community maintained extension, but to me it looks quite up-to-date. It also features a reactive extension, if you have the need for it.

Starting with Spring Data major version 4 (included in Spring Boot 2.3) the extension is based on Elasticsearch 7.x and thus as up-to-date as needed. Under the covers the Elasticsearch REST Client is used.

Getting up and running

As with many other spring projects, configuration and getting up and running is comfortably easy, for me all I needed to add was a single dependency

implementation 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-elasticsearch'

Configuring your Spring Boot application via environment variables

Spring Boot has an endless amount of configuration abilities. You can supply properties, configuration files in different formats, environment variables and some more. For me the use of environment variables is really nice. First, you can easily set those in your local setup and second, this is also easy to configure when running on k8s with vault in order to retrieve secrets.

My local tool of choice is usually direnv. This allows to set custom environment variables when changing into that directory. However direnv is more than that, you can also use it to load a custom JDK version or just execute arbitrary commands, when you switch into this directory - which means you could even load secrets from vault locally or use envchain if you want to protect secrets properly.

For my project my .envrc file looks like this


This tells direnv to load environment variables from .env - which looks like this


Every environment variable starting with SPRING_ will be used for Spring configuration - in this case for GitHub authentication used in this app. The ELASTICSEARCH_URL is custom for this particular application.

The ELASTIC_ variables are for the Elasticsearch APM setup, which we will cover later.

One more thing you could configure if needed, is a different behavior when you start your application via ./gradle by modifying the bootRun task

bootRun {
  // disable APM locally
  environment "ELASTIC_APM_RECORDING", "false"
  environment "ELASTIC_APM_INSTRUMENT", "false"

  args = [""]

I’d personally try to keep everything in environment variables if possible to have a single source of truth.

Let’s take a look at a java class next to get to know the mapping of POJOs.

Entities & Field Mapping

This is a sample class for a user profile

// ...
import org.elasticsearch.index.VersionType;

import javax.validation.constraints.Email;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotBlank;
import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull;
import javax.validation.constraints.Size;

@Document(indexName = "user-profiles", shards = 1, versionType = VersionType.INTERNAL, createIndex = false)
public class UserProfile {

    @Id @Field(type = FieldType.Keyword) @Email @NotBlank
    private String email;

    @Field(type = FieldType.Keyword)
    private Region region;

    @Field(type = FieldType.Keyword) @Size(max=100) @NoHtml @NotBlank
    private String country;

    @Field(name="full_name", type = FieldType.Keyword) @Size(max=100) @NoHtml @NotBlank
    private String fullName;

    @Field(type = FieldType.Keyword) @NotNull
    private Set<@Size(max=2) @Locale String> languages;

    @Field(name="created_at", type = FieldType.Date, format = DateFormat.date_time)
    private Date createdAt;

    // getters & setters
    // ...

Quite a bit to unfold here, let’s tackle every annotation and its parameters each by each.

First the @Document annotation: This one specifies, which index our entities should go into. By default the spring application creates the index as well, based on the configuration in this annotation and the following field annotations. While this might cover most of the use-cases, I prefer to have an application listener, that creates a new index template when starting up and also create an index manually to keep more control. One of the things that worries me slightly, is the fact of exposing expert settings as annotation parameters like indexStoreType and versionType) - things that I’d try not to set if possible. Especially versionType is set away from the default INTERNAL to EXTERNAL and I am not sure why that is the case, there is also no mention in the documentation about the reasoning. Another issue with those expert level defaults is, if they ever change on the Elasticsearch side (which should only happen for a major version upgrade), you need to change your application.

The most important parameter of the @Document annotation is the indexName one. In my case I do create an alias at the application startup, if that alias/index does not exist yet. Remember: Always make use of aliases API, which allows you to hide the number of shards/indices that are used for your data within Elasticsearch. I consider aliases an interface, where as indices/shards/mappings are the concrete implementation, that the user has no need to deal with.

Next up is the @Id annotation, which makes this field the _id of your document, being the unique identifier in this index.

The @Field annotation configures the type of a field (given the fact that we already put this information in the index template, this is merely important to change the behavior for certain fields). You can also set the name to a different field name. In this example we are using this to switch from camel case to snake case.

For certain field types there is further configuration, like the format for date formats. Specifying this format is important, as this will result in the correct serialization of a date field.

The @NoHtml, @NotBlank, @Size, @Locale and @NotNull annotations are used for validation, partially implemented with a custom validator. What I learned when writing this app is the use of annotations within generics is valid. Every time I read this line, I die a little about its readability

private Set<@Size(max=2) @Locale String> languages;

You can also serialize enums into Elasticsearch, which is super useful for type safety when parsing user input.

Configuring the Elasticsearch client

This is where the ELASTICSEARCH_URL environment variables comes into play. I was lazy and put username, password, protocol and endpoint URL into a single environment variable.

public class RestClientConfig extends AbstractElasticsearchConfiguration {

  public RestHighLevelClient elasticsearchClient() {
      final String stringUrl = System.getenv("ELASTICSEARCH_URL");
      final URI uri = URI.create(stringUrl);

      String host = uri.getHost();
      int port = uri.getPort() == -1 ? 9200 : uri.getPort();
      final ClientConfiguration.MaybeSecureClientConfigurationBuilder builder = 
        ClientConfiguration.builder().connectedTo(host + ":" + port);

      // enable SSL if https is being used in the URL
      boolean isSsl = "https".equals(uri.getScheme());
      if (isSsl) {

      // enable basic auth if specified
      String userInfo = uri.getUserInfo();
      if (userInfo != null) {
          final String[] userPass = userInfo.split(":", 2);
          builder.withBasicAuth(userPass[0], userPass[1]);
      }"Elasticsearch server [{}:{}] ssl[{}] auth[{}]", host, port, isSsl, userInfo != null);
      return RestClients.create(;

This sets a default port if none is specified - which usually would be a problem as HTTP expects port 80 by default, but I guess in case of Elasticsearch it is safe to switch to 9200.

Again, all of this could also configured via different environment variables if that simplifies configuration for you. Also, there might be a better way to do this that I am not aware off.


One of the most natural ways of accessing data in Spring Data is using repositories. Those usually allow you to retrieve data via finders. For most data stores the names of the finder methods are translated to queries to include/exclude documents. The notion of search and relevancy is not really part of this, as this is a concrete implementation detail of Elasticsearch as a data store.

This is what a repository can look like, but you can of course implement your custom search logic in there as well.


public interface UserProfileRepository
  extends ElasticsearchRepository<UserProfile, String> {


Extending ElasticsearchRepository gives you finders like findById().

One last difference to the upcoming ElasticsearchOperations class is that saving an entity will also trigger a refresh. Saving a lot of entities will put some additional load on your cluster, however this ensures that searching for an entity after save will never return stale data.

Attention: Queries get automatically created from method names when using repositories. This is a great feature of Spring Data , however be very careful, that you do not end up with inefficient queries putting a high load on your cluster.

For example there is a findBy...EndingWith() query (the same applies to findBy...Containing(). According to the documentation this translates to a query like *foo, which is not an efficient query based on how the inverted index needs to be traversed.

A better, albeit more complex version to get up and running might be to use reverse token filter plus a multi field, to store the same data in reverse and then to a prefix search which is potentially much faster.

It would be wrong to blame Spring Data for this behavior, as any abstraction to simplify & generalize will loose some of the power of the underlying data store, however it is important to be aware of such limitations, once you decide to use a data store. Duh! If that wasn’t news, I don’t know what is!

The same applies to the use of aggregations, where we will take a look at the ElasticsearchRestTemplate next.

What I also found hard to use is the possibility of using the @Query annotation at a repository method like this (stolen from the official documentation):

interface BookRepository extends ElasticsearchRepository<Book, String> {
    @Query("{\"match\": {\"name\": {\"query\": \"?0\"}}}")
    Page<Book> findByName(String name, Pageable pageable);

While this works as well, it requires you to produce valid JSON in a string, which is always hard to read (and yes, I know it is easier with text blocks, but still not my thing) - especially once your queries become longer and deeper nested. If you integration test this, and your development team is comfortable with this, that might be fine. These rules are not set in stone 😬


Reminder: As Spring Data Elasticsearch moves from the TransportClient using the Elasticsearch node-to-node binary protocol to the RestClient using HTTP, you should always use the ElasticsearchRestTemplate and migrate away from ElasticsearchTemplate, if you are still using it.

The good news is, that you do not need to create any special template class, once you have created a RestHighLevelClient like we already did above!

ElasticsearchOperations class

ElasticsearchRestTemplate implements ElasticsearchOperations, which is providing all the nitty gritty work for low level search & cluster actions. Searches now look like everyday-normal Elasticsearch queries, that are handed over to the template class:

// filter by state & region
final BoolQueryBuilder qb = QueryBuilders.boolQuery()

final NativeSearchQuery query = new NativeSearchQuery(qb);
// aggregate on username, sort by summed up score
  .order(BucketOrder.aggregation("total_score", false))
  // sum up the score of all contributions
final SearchHits<Contribution> hits =, Contribution.class);
final Aggregations aggregations = hits.getAggregations();

Coming from the Elasticsearch side of things this is my favorite way of writing queries, as it is reusing the Elasticsearch classes. The NativeSearchQuery class allows you to specify a query just as if you are using the RestHighLevelClient.

There is one issue here. As I am only interested in aggregations and not in documents, this query still executes in two phases and tries to fetch unneeded documents. The reason for this is that Pageable.unpaged() will set the size parameter. If you want to have slightly faster aggregations, you may need to set a Pageable with a size of zero. Maybe a static variable Pageable.NO_DOCUMENTS might help here.

In case you are not such a big fan of NativeSearchQuery for querying Elasticsearch data, there are two alternatives.

First, if you want to have full control, you can use a StringQuery and supply the whole JSON search query as a string. You can probably guess that I am an as big fan as of the @Query annotation about that one.

Second you can use the CriteriaQuery and specify a list of Criterias. This is also used to create the queries from the repository finders, allowing you to specify fields, values and context (i.e. ending with). This might be more of a Spring like solution, but I prefer the native approach by far. If you are using several data stores in a single application, this strategy might help you to keep to code somewhat similar though. You might be as surprised as I am, that there will probably someone after you taking care of your code. One of your goals should always be to make your successor feel comfortable in your code - also, probably that successor is future you two years from now, you will no idea about that code! 😱

Loading templates on start up

As already mentioned at the beginning, I prefer installing index templates on start up. Also, you could built an upgrade mechanism on start up if you need to re-index your data and then switch aliases for example.

Luckily the Spring Framework has a well known ApplicationListener class, that is triggered when the application is ready.

public class StoreTemplateOnApplicationListener implements ApplicationListener<ApplicationReadyEvent> {

    private static final Logger logger = 
    private final String mappingUserProfile;
    private final RestHighLevelClient client;
    private final ElasticsearchOperations elasticsearchOperations;

    public StoreTemplateOnApplicationListener(RestHighLevelClient client,
                        ElasticsearchOperations elasticsearchOperations) {
        this.client = client;
        this.elasticsearchOperations = elasticsearchOperations;
        this.mappingUserProfile =

    public void onApplicationEvent(ApplicationReadyEvent event) {"Connecting to Elasticsearch cluster to write index templates, and optionally create initial index, nodes {}",

                           "user-profiles*", mappingUserProfile);

        String formattedIsoDate =

        boolean existsUserProfileIndex = indexExists("user-profiles*");
        if (!existsUserProfileIndex) {
            createIndex("user-profiles-" + formattedIsoDate, "user-profiles");
        }"Elasticsearch setup done");

    // ...

So, when starting up, an index template is installed and optionally, if there are no user profiles existing, we also index a test set. This is super useful for local testing, but should ideally only be executed depending on the current profile (i.e. for test, but especially not for prod). This class also sets an alias for the user-profiles index. I also learned there are so-called repository populators for this initial kind of indexing.


The method of serialization changed from Spring Data Elasticsearch 4.x on-wards. The Jackson ObjectMapper has been replaced with the MappingElasticsearchConverter - which is using a feature called Meta Model Object Mapping (MOM) under the covers.

The most important consequence of this change is to ensure that every object gets properly serialized. You can implement your own Converter classes and register them in the AbstractElasticsearchConfiguration extending config class.

By opening the ElasticsearchCustomConversions class you will see different examples of converters. They are rather easy to implement due to implementing @FunctionalInterface.

I did not need to implement any custom converters for my little project.


Testing is an interesting topic with Spring and Elasticsearch in combination. If you want real integration tests, you need a Spring ApplicationContext and an Elasticsearch instance up and running - which is possible, but time consuming. Running a test that fires up an application context is already quite a stretch for unit tests, putting Elasticsearch on top requires you to wait even longer to get test feedback. So try to write fast running unit tests first and then go from where.

In order to test Elasticsearch functionality, I highly recommend using testcontainers with the Elasticsearch module.

The app I built rendered a lot of HTML out, so I needed to test the templating layer and its output as well, which required a full up and running Spring application context (which gets reused on several runs, so the cost of start up is only paid once).

@ContextConfiguration(classes = { WebSecurityConfig.class, 
   UserProfileController.class, AdminService.class })
public class ControllerMvcTest {

    private MockMvc mvc;

    private AdminService adminService;

    private ElasticsearchOperations elasticsearchOperations;

    private UserProfileRepository userProfileRepository;

    public void testMainPageRenderingLoggedOut() throws Exception {
                .andExpect(content().string(containsString("Log in")))
                .andExpect(model().attribute("is_admin", false));

    // all the other tests

As this test is marked with @WebMvcTest the MockMvc class will be autowired. If any functionality from ElasticsearchOperations or UserProfileRepository is needed, you can mock it using Mockito. In this example no Elasticsearch functionality is needed, because no user is logged in. Other tests first configure a logged in user and then requires mocking of the Elasticsearch classes.

Pro tip: If you are using Junit Jupiter, add the following file to parallelize your tests, if possible (make sure you do not bind to static ports etc). Save this under src/test/resources/

# execute top-level classes in parallel but methods in same thread
junit.jupiter.execution.parallel.enabled = true
junit.jupiter.execution.parallel.mode.default = same_thread
junit.jupiter.execution.parallel.mode.classes.default = concurrent

Use forbidden APIs

Even though this is not Spring specific, I still find it super important. Never ever rely on system locales to output something, also do not use dangerous API calls with ambiguous results depending on the setup of the environment where your code is running. In order to prevent that, there is a neat library called forbidden APIs. This API checker scans through the bytecode and fails the build if API calls that are on a denylist are found.

Again this requires a really small change to your build.gradle file:

plugins {
  // ...
  id 'de.thetaphi.forbiddenapis' version '3.0.1'

forbiddenApis {
  bundledSignatures = [ 'jdk-unsafe', 'jdk-deprecated', 'jdk-non-portable',
                        'jdk-reflection', 'jdk-internal', 'jdk-system-out' ]

You can trigger the check automatically or run ./gradlew forbiddenApis manually. Try putting a System.out.println() statement in the code and see for yourself!

Keep your dependencies up-to-date!

Before going back to Spring Data, one reminder to ensure your dependencies are up-to-date. Again, all it takes is a plugin to add

plugins {
  // ...
  id "com.github.ben-manes.versions" version '0.29.0'

Now running ./gradlew dependencyUpdates will show you which dependencies are up-to-date and which need to be updated.

Further features

This article is intended to be a super light-weight introduction, and many features have not been covered. When talking to various developers they came up with some interesting approaches, for example using Spring expression language to dynamically select an index for a repository. While this works, it will also be hard to debug in production, so if you do things like that, make sure you have an extensive test suite!

Spring Data in general offers way more features, that I have not covered here:

  • Entity callbacks allow you to execute code before/after saving an entity. Also, if you change a running application, features like BeforeConvertCallback can help you to change your domain objects from old to new datatypes. This feature can also be used to configure created/last modified timestamps.
  • Highlighting: You need to configure highlighting via the ElasticsearchRestTemplate class (will not work via a repository), but if specified, every SearchHit<T> will also contain highlighted fields.
  • Auditing: Tracking entity changes (authors and timestamp). Note that Elasticsearch has a similar feature, so make sure you use it only once.

Adding Elastic APM

One of the advantages of using the most common web framework in the JVM space is the excellent support of other tools. The Elastic APM Java Agent is no exception here. Spring support is really good! So, let’s enable the java agent quickly. Add the following dependency in your build.gradle

implementation 'co.elastic.apm:apm-agent-attach:1.18.0.RC1'

This adds the Java APM agent to your project. Strictly speaking, this would not be necessary, as do not need this as a dependency, one could also specify the agent on the command line, but this way I know for sure, that APM is always enabled by starting it programmatically in my Spring application like this

public class CommunityContributorApp {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		ElasticApmAttacher.attach();, args);

Do you remember the APM configuration in the .env file? This configuration will now be picked up automatically. One prerequisite to have APM up and running is to start an APM server, which retrieves the APM data from the agent. When running on Elastic Cloud, there is an APM server readily available.

So, what do we gain from this additional setup? Easy! Beautiful dashboards and the ability to dive into your app!

You can easily get an overview how much time is spent in which part of your application. For this Spring Boot application there is quite a bit of thymeleaf rendering going as well as a little bit Elasticsearch traffic and some time is spent in the controller logic.

APM mainpage

You can also check out the performance of certain endpoints. You also notice that I am as good in naming my controllers as the Java developers are in naming their startup methods 💪

Transaction overview

The Java agent instruments also the Elasticsearch REST client, so that each request will be treated as a span of an transaction. In this example you can see that retrieving data from Elasticsearch is as almost as fast as rendering the results - this only works if the HTTP client has an open and already initiated connection of course. The tiny part between sending the search and rendering the view: that’s our business logic… not much to do in this case.

Transaction detail with several spans

Also there is a dedicated error view and a coarse overview about your JVM including memory consumption, garbage collections and running threads.

APM JVM info page

If you are using an Elasticsearch cluster anyway, consider taking a look at APM to get more insights in your application.

Enable JSON logging

The last thing not strictly related to Spring Data Elasticsearch is changing your log format to be in JSON and in an ECS compatible way. If you are wondering what ECS is: The Elastic Common Schema defines a common set of fields to be used when storing event data in Elasticsearch, such as logs and metrics. This common set of fields can be reused in all kinds of dashboards and also makes searching for fields across different data sources much easier.

Logging in JSON also means you do not need to do any grok or regular expression based parsing of log messages, including awkward exception parsing in the java world.

Logging in JSON allows to easily transport the stdout logs to an Elasticsearch cluster without any further processing, for example by using Filebeat.

Add the following dependency to your java project (build.gradle in my case):

implementation 'co.elastic.logging:logback-ecs-encoder:0.5.0'

The above dependency imports a specific logback ECS layout, which then can be used in src/main/resources/logback-spring.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <appender name="CONSOLE" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
        <encoder class="co.elastic.logging.logback.EcsEncoder">
    <root level="INFO">
        <appender-ref ref="CONSOLE"/>

Going live & deployment

Spring Boot has added a list of neat features over the last couple of months to streamline & simplify deployment. Many of you will deploy your application as a docker image, so having a base docker image and then adding the fat jar will result in all the dependencies being added in every single time, despite they change much less than your actual code.

In order to solve this, you can add the dependencies separately from your code, which will result in much smaller images. There is a great overview over the different approaches to create Docker images, but with Spring Boot 2.3 you have the bootBuildImage gradle task, which uses Cloud Native Buildpacks under the hood, doing exactly what is mentioned above to create an image with several layers.

One more thing to keep in mind when going live is to enable sniffing for the Elasticsearch Client. Sniffing is a feature shared by all official Elasticsearch clients. By polling the cluster in the background, the sniffer will always keep an up-to-date list of reachable nodes in its host list - so you do not have to worry too much about changing cluster topology. One thing to be aware of: The sniffer also needs to be closed when shutting down, as it is using another thread in the background. As I was using Elastic Cloud for my internal application, there was no need for the sniffer, as there is only a single endpoint.

Lastly, deployment is an evergreen topic. Most of you will probably deploy on k8s using docker images nowadays. I did that with a recent app as well, however for demos I prefer to get up and running faster. Two really good candidates for this are heroku and qovery. The sample app I’ve linked below in the resources features a super simple .qovery.yml setup file. Deployment happens automatically with every commit.

Next steps

So, what would I do different the next time I write an internal app? Well, to be blunt, I don’t think I would go with Spring Boot again. The biggest reason here is that I personally don’t have a lot of experience with the whole ecosystem, and the vast size of this ecosystem requires you to know quite a bit of ins and outs to write efficient framework code - which is perfectly fine. There is a lot of magic going on, driven by convention on the hand, but also technical things like reflection on the other hand, that will potentially save you heaps of time, especially when there is spring framework experience in your team. Personally I prefer to be able to step-debug through the code, which is harder with Spring Boot by betting on DI/reflection. The same applies to Spring Data itself: If you know it, it probably makes a lot of sense to use. Me coming from the Elasticsearch side of things there was no need for an additional abstraction from my perspective, when my system only uses a single data store that I am very familiar with.

Also, I used a fair bit of thymeleaf, as I decided early on to to a lot of server side rendering. More recently I played around with Svelte as I found React always hard to read. I now think I have a stack to build my next app with, should it be needed:

Javalin + pac4j in the back, Svelte + tailwind in the front

Javalin is a small framework on top of jetty, that is written in Kotlin and tries to stay away from the above described magic (that really is none, sometimes it masquerades as such). Pac4j allows you to integrate authentication like GitHub based auth into your application (plus many others so you could mix and match over time). This came for free with Spring and really required only two configuration settings. In my next setup Javalin will basically be a JSON layer doing backend work, all the display logic will be done in the browser, thanks to Svelte. Tailwindcss requires some work upfront to feel familiar but is really nice to work with. I still need to figure out a way to properly integrate the svelte compiler/development setup in Java though - that’s something for a future blog post I guess.

One thing you will lose is the nice APM integration though requiring you to spend some more time setting it up properly, but I can live with that.


Final remarks

You made it down here, wooow! Thanks for sticking with me. Follow or ping me on Twitter, GitHub or reach me via Email.

If there is anything to correct, drop me a note, and I am happy to do so!

Same applies for questions. If you have question, go ahead and ask!

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